Rev. Dr. Felicia Duncan Brock is a Detroit, Michigan born, raised and made child of God. In February 2007, Dr. Brock answered her call into the preaching ministry. She delivered her first public message “Triumph in Betrayal” at the New Providence Baptist Church in Detroit. Dr. Brock was the first female preacher to begin her ministry at New Providence. In July 2012, Dr. Brock was ordained through the Progressive National Baptist Convention. In 2019, the American Baptist Churches of Michigan recognized Dr. Brock’s PNBC ordination.
Laboring in the vineyard of this male dominated vocation, Dr. Brock’s gifts continuously make room for her—just as promised in Proverbs 18:16. Dr. Brock is a gifted preacher and teacher.
Born into a family of lifelong educators, Dr. Brock possesses an innate ability to present God’s Word in “bite-sized” pieces that all can understand and apply to their lives. Her gift to teach has manifested itself in Dr. Brock’s preaching ministry as she strives to always deliver “Messages that Teach.”
Because of her love for God’s people and recognizing the value of education; in 2012, Dr. Brock began her journey towards obtaining the Doctor of Ministry degree. In February 2015, with the assistance of Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Dr. Brock successfully defended her dissertation “Teaching to Change Congregants’ Attitudes toward Christian Education.” In June 2015, the Doctor of Ministry degree was awarded.
(724) 224-2722 (office)
(724) 351-0205 (direct)